Retrieved Golden Idol*
From the intersection of the feral forces of nature and self-knowledge comes a reflection on the origins of classical representations and their contemporary reckonings. Possibly one of the most public places, South Beach in Miami Beach, provides the stage and the material, a gigantic piece of oceanic driftwood and the beach sand, for this contemporary outwork reflecting and echoeing classical images of res publica art. Sun, blue skies and mature development frame the gilded driftwood. A large affluence of tourists and locals walk by, interact and reshape the work, giving renewed sense to its existence.
Name: Retrieved Golden Idol
Media: Mixed media: organic gold paint, natural driftwood
Concept and Idea: Guillermo Gleizer / Art Design: Manuel Perez / Production: Guillermo Gleizer, Manuel Perez, Joshua Shemtov and volunteers
Sponsored and Organized by Classical Roman Arts Foundation
- (c) classicalromanartsfoundation.org December 2021.
*We strongly condemn false idols but recognize their historical significante.